Inside its 20.000 mq of wharehouses and storeyards, Longafer places at your disposal a wide selection of new and reutilized rails.

Our kinds of rails are: Decauville (light rails used in factories for automation and to make little wan slide in ceramic and brickwork factories); Railway (heavy rails for industrial pourposes and for railway junctions); Burback (the right choice for your cranes).

Should you require it, together with new rails we will give you their analysis certificate and their complete specifications. As far as reutilized rails are concerned, we only have Railway rails and they are classified according to grant our clients the right relation between quality and price. All the materials may be supplied in the measures required. We place at our clients disposal an high-technology saw, that allows a precise cut up to 45°.

Longafer also place at its clients disposal a complete set of fasteners that can simplify the installation of our rails.

Series 1929 double-hole, composed of plate to weld most counter for railway rails and crane, for assembly with and without interlayer rubber

The fastening system of indirect series 1929 in double hole has been designed especially for crane rails (rails Burback) but can be used with excellent results also for the fastening of railway rails. It is an extremely simple, robust and proven that can be used with any type of crane handling system regardless.

The main features are: ease of positioning and installation; welding of the lower part on the support structure of the rails without difficulty of access; the upper part is blocked with one or two bolts; the fixing assembly is used for years in the most various operating conditions in the world with great success.




 Weight 1,300 [Kg]

 Screw M16x40 hexagonal 8.8

 Thick bead of salting 11 [mm]

 Torque 175 [Nm]

 Lateral load 70 [KN]

 Lateral adjustment - [mm]




A (mm)

B (mm) C (mm)  Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12 With interlayer
 S 33 58 134 105 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12 With hake 5
36 UNI 60 130 100 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12 With hake 5
46 UNI 65 145 135  Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12  With hake 5 
50 UNI 67 148 135 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12 With hake 5 
S49  68 149 125 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12 With hake 5 
60 UNI 72 172 150 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 9 With hake 9
A 45 45 55 125 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12  With hake 5 
A 55 55 65 150 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12  With hake 5 
A 65 65 75 175 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 12  With hake 5 
A 75 75 85 200 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 9  - 
A 100 100 95 200 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 9  -
A120 120 105 220 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 5 -
A150 150 150 220 Series Longafer 1929 with hake 5 -

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